I’ve written a script to burst MIME digests in Mail.app. Unfortunately I need help to do the GUI scripting that will automate the import of the mbox file. I can’t seem to click on the “Other” radio button.
Here’s what I’ve got so far.
set importPath to (path to temporary items folder from user domain) -- as string
-- check to see if assistive devices is enabled
tell application "System Events"
set UI_enabled to UI elements enabled
if UI_enabled then
tell process "Mail"
tell menu bar 1
click menu item "Import Mailboxes." of menu "File"
end tell
delay 1
tell window "Import"
click radio button "Other" of radio group 1 of group 1
--find some way to set the path to importPath
click button "Choose"
click button "Continue"
delay 30
click button "Done"
end tell
end tell
end if
end tell
I’m beginning to think that this isn’t possible. Any help is appreciated.