have any idea

I use this (“all01x02”) script to open file

	tell application "Finder"
		set myFolder to (container of (container of (path to me))) as text
		open file "21 .pdf" of folder (myFolder & "pdf:paoli:modularCase:large")
	end tell
on error
	return quit
end try


I run the above script(“all01x02”)"from a flash button with fscommand action

on (release) {
	fscommand("exec", "all01x02");


when I run this system event script

tell application "System Events"
end tell

I run the system event script to restart the computer from the flash button but it does’t
run the script
Here is how I tell flash button to run the script (restart)

on (release) {
	fscommand("exec", "restart");

So is it possible to restart or shutdown the MAC computer from the from a flash button. I know it may be the wrong place to ask this question.
But I don’t want to spent lot of time if you big guys just say NO
please give some suggestions

Have you put a dialog in the script to make sure it is being called?
Does the script run out of the script editor (try it with sleep)?
Have you tried giving it a different name which may look less like a reserved word?

thanks plaid for your response
i tried in many different ways
i had it working right now but I have to run this script first

tell application "Finder" 
      open file "restart"  
end tell 

and then it run the system event script call “restart”

tell application "System Events" 
end tell

it works but just a work around
I could not find the reason why I could not run the script “restart” script directly from the flash button

hope you have some solutions.