Help!: copy finder comments to itunes comments

Hi, new here…
Was wondering if anyone could help me make / point me to a script that will do the following:

  1. get currently playing itunes song
  2. get the contents of the music file’s finder comments
  3. copy these comments to the song’s iTunes comments field

running osx 10.4.10 with whatever applescript version comes in 10.4.10!

Reason behind this all:
I’m actually using the tagging plugin in quicksilver to tag songs in itunes, however this plugin writes the tags to the comments field, delimited with a * (asterisk)
I’m trying to find a way of copying these tags from the song’s finder comments to it’s itunes comments field. that way i can build smart playlists, filter the songs in itunes by tag etc.

Alternatively, if anyone knows how to acomplish the above requirements another/easier way, please do say!


Browser: Firefox
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)


quick and dirty

	tell application "iTunes" to set loc to location of current track
	tell application "Finder" to set cmt to comment of loc
	if cmt is not "" then tell application "iTunes" to set comment of current track to cmt
end try