HELP!! - Enoturage Script required

Hi everyone

I am very new to the applescript scene but wa wondering if anyone can help me!

I send emails out with reference numbers at the begining of each email. eg. Ref: 8562 and need a script that puts the reference in the subject line for me.

The first time i run the script Ref: 0001 appears, the second time i run it Ref: 0002 appears, the third time I run it Ref: 0003 appears and so on.

Even better would be a script that

  1. Opens a new entourage window
  2. Enters one of my signatures in the main body of the message
  3. entrs the reference numbrer (mentioned above)

Any help would be much appreciated.


Please Help!!


I don’t know how to include the signature,
but this satisfy your other criteria

property RefNr : 0
property senderName : "John Doe"
property senderAddress : ""

set RefNr to RefNr + 1
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
	tell (make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"Ref: " & (text -4 thru -1 of ("0000" & RefNr))})
		set sender to {address:senderAddress, display name:senderName}
	end tell
end tell

Note: Save the script as an application to make sure, that the value of the counter is persistent


Thanks very much for this it’s great. Just one thing I would like to change the numbers to Ref: 0000 - . There is a space and a - at the end of the number instead of (Ref: 0000) change to (Ref: 0000 - )


I would also like to get some text in the main body of the email, the text I want is below, but I must be able o edit it on a weekly basis.

Would there be some sought of txt document file that holdes the information I want, then gets pulled through to entourge



Thanks for sending me this press release. I would like to offer you the chance to publish it IN FULL with an image and contact details in the November 1st issue of Warehouse & Logistics News magazine. Please see our coverage options below. Examples of the options are available at

Press Release Title:
Magazine Section:
Magazine Issue: November 1st
Final Confirmation Date: October 12th

OPTION ONE - Quarter Page Feature
Includes the following for only £125:

1. Magazine - Quarter Page A3 feature article in the magazine including all of your text, photos and contact details.
2. Website - The same article, pictures and contact details to appear as a full page on our website.
3. Newsletter - Your press release will also be included on our fortnightly email newsletter.

OPTION TWO “ The Headline Story
Includes the following for only £245:
1. Website “ Your article will feature as ˜The Headline Story’ for one week on the homepage of our website.
2. Website “ Company logo to appear next to your story on the top of the homepage during your week as “The Headline Story”
3. Website “ At the end of the week your story will be archived indefinitely on our website.
4. Magazine - Quarter Page A3 feature article in the magazine including all of your text, photos and contact details.
5. Newsletter - Your press release will also be included on our fortnightly email newsletter.

OPTION THREE - Half Page Feature
Includes the following for only £295:

1. Magazine - Half Page A3 feature in the magazine including all of your text, up to five photos and a company logo.
2. Website - The same article, pictures, company logos and contact details to appear as a full web page on our website.
3. Newsletter - Your press release will also be included on our fortnightly email newsletter.

OPTION FOUR “ The Front Cover BIG Story
Includes the following for only £745:

1. Magazine “ Main Front Cover Story - Get your story slap bang in the middle of the front cover.
2. Website - The same article, pictures and contact details to appear as a full page on our website.
2. Website “ Headline story for one week, see above for more details.
3. Newsletter - Your press release will also be included on our fortnightly email newsletter.

OPTION FIVE “ Quarter Page
Includes the following for only £100:
1. Magazine - Quarter Page A3 feature article in the magazine including text and one photo.

You can confirm your order by either replying to this email or printing this form and faxing it back to 01923 270760. In both instances all we need is a simple yes, the option you require and the details of the person we need to invoice, plus any purchase order number that needs to be shown on our invoice.

Looking forward to hearing from you

Kind regards
James Surridge
Tel: 01923 272965
Fax: 01923 270760

this is no problem

property RefNr : 0
property senderName : "John Doe"
property senderAddress : ""

set RefNr to RefNr + 1
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
	tell (make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"Ref: " & (text -4 thru -1 of ("0000" & RefNr)) & " -"})
		set sender to {address:senderAddress, display name:senderName}
	end tell
end tell

Thanks Stefan… I need the email to be in an html format. how do you do that! Thanks?

I don’t like (and don’t use) html-mails,
an easy way to create a html-mail is to open the html page in Safari and press ⌘I

Hi Stefan

With this script it opens a new entourage window in plain text, is there a way of opening the new mail in the entourage html format. The email I send looks something like the one above.


Is there any way of getting text into the main body of the email when I open it up with the script?

Thanks so much for all you guys help!!!

I think that only works when you use Mail as your default email application Stefan. It’s a shame though because it woul be fairly trivial to do.

Sending html emails from Entourage though is another story and kind of annoying. You need to edit a few options in the account settings and then modify your outgoing email header. The biggest problem though is that unless you then undo the changes all email you send out will try to be html formatted.