I cobbled together a script to import the files selected in Finder into the Photos app.
tell application "Finder"
set imageList to (get selection) as list
end tell
set theList to {}
repeat with theImage in imageList
set theList to theList & (theImage as alias)
end repeat
tell application "Photos"
import theList
end tell
My AppleScript knowledge is limited, and what I’d like to do when importing the images is add them to a specific album (for the sake of argument, called “Test Album”).
It could import the images directly, or after importing the images grab the contents of the ‘Last Import’ album and add them to the named album.
FWIW, this is a script I wrote to import files. It puts them in a new album you name, and names them after it, plus -1, -2, etc. It creates this album inside a folder. The idea is that the organisation is similar to what Photos does when it imports from iPhoto.
set enventsFolderName to "Pseudo Events" -- the name you want your "events" folder to have; change to suit
tell application id "com.apple.Photos" -- Photos
-- choose the picture files to import
set theFiles to choose file with prompt "Choose the pictures to import:" with multiple selections allowed
-- get the name for the new event album
set newName to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a name for the new event album:" default answer "")
-- check the events folder exists, and if not, create it
if exists container enventsFolderName then
set eventsFolder to container enventsFolderName
-- check the event album name is unique
if exists container newName of container enventsFolderName then
display dialog "That name is already in use" buttons {"Cancel"}
error number -128
end if
set eventsFolder to make new folder named enventsFolderName
end if
-- make the new event album inside the events folder
set theAlbum to make new album named newName at eventsFolder
-- sort the files by creation date
tell application "Finder"
set theFiles to (sort theFiles by creation date)
repeat with i from 1 to count of theFiles
set item i of theFiles to item i of theFiles as alias
end repeat
end tell
-- import the files
import theFiles into theAlbum
-- rename them after the event album name, plus a digit
set theItems to media items of theAlbum
repeat with i from 1 to count of theItems
-- this part is a bit icky; sometimes naming fails because there's a delay, so we keep trying until it succeeds
set thisPic to item i of theItems
set name of thisPic to newName & "-" & i
exit repeat -- success
end try
end repeat
end repeat
-- all clear
display dialog "Import finished" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
end tell
This is similar, except this time it works of images that have already been imported in Photos, and are selected:
set enventsFolderName to "Pseudo Events" -- the name you want your "events" folder to have; change to suit
tell application id "com.apple.Photos" -- Photos
-- get list of selected images
set theItems to selection
-- make sure there are some selected
set theCount to count of theItems
if theCount = 0 then
display dialog "You have to select the images to add to the event album first" buttons {"Cancel"}
error number -128
end if
-- get the name for the new event album
set newName to text returned of (display dialog "Enter a name for the new event album:" default answer "")
-- check the events folder exists, and if not, create it
if exists container enventsFolderName then
set eventsFolder to container enventsFolderName
-- check the event album name is unique
if exists container newName of container enventsFolderName then
display dialog "That name is already in use" buttons {"Cancel"}
error number -128
end if
set eventsFolder to make new folder named enventsFolderName
end if
-- make the new event album inside the events folder
set theAlbum to make new album named newName at eventsFolder
-- rename them after the event album name, plus a digit
repeat with i from 1 to theCount
-- this part is a bit icky; sometimes naming fails because there's a delay, so we keep trying until it succeeds
set thisPic to item i of theItems
set name of thisPic to newName & "-" & i
exit repeat -- success
end try
end repeat
end repeat
-- now add them to the album
add theItems to theAlbum
-- all clear
display dialog "Import finished" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
end tell
Does anyone know how to import photos into the “Family” album automatically? Ideally, I want everything I mark as a favourite to go into the Family album. Ostensibly, it would seem simple enough…
tell application "Photos"
set theItems to media items of container "Favorites"
add theItems to album "Family" --skip check duplicates yes
end tell
BUT! The “Family” album doesn’t seem to be a regular album that Photos will accept as a valid container in applescript. I’ve tried referring to the “Family” album as a container, using “add” and “import”, but each time, “Family” is not accepted as a valid album.
Yes, Photos.app has the concept of a container. But the app also has folders and albums. It is better to refer to any element of a nested structure using these 2 concepts, specifying full paths. This is clearer and easier to eliminate user errors when specifying a path in a nested structure. Here an example that works and is clearer:
set imageList to choose file of type "public.image" with multiple selections allowed
tell application "Photos"
-- import to album-child of Photos.app itself
import imageList into album "Alexandra" with skip check duplicates
-- import to album-child of some folder of Photos.app
import imageList into album "Untitled Album" of folder "Robert" with skip check duplicates
end tell