Help load image

HELP for problem: I have 2 window in to my application and i need to load image in to image view" image1"locate in to second window “windowimage” , i click in to my button1 locate in to window “main” and image appear ok, after restart my application my “photo1” does not appear, the my application not remember my last command, the button status button1 appear ok the text field “text1” appear ok remember all command , only the image does not appear :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: . i Post my code, someone HELP me . . .

This is my code :

property text1 : ""
property button1 : true
property image1 : ""

on awake from nib theObject
	end try
	show window "main"
end awake from nib

on registerDefaultss()
	tell user defaults
		make new default entry at end of default entries with properties {name:"text1", contents:text1}
		make new default entry at end of default entries with properties {name:"button1", contents:button1}
		make new default entry at end of default entries with properties {name:"image1", contents:image1}
	end tell
end registerDefaultss

on readDefaultss()
	tell user defaults
		set text1 to contents of default entry "text1"
		set button1 to contents of default entry "button1"
		set image1 to contents of default entry "image1"
	end tell
end readDefaultss

on showDefaultss()
	set contents of text field "text1" of window "main" to text1
	set state of button "button1" of window "main" to button1
	set image of image view "image1" of window "windowimage" to image1
end showDefaultss

on will quit theObject
end will quit

on getDefaultss()
	set text1 to contents of text field "text1" of window "main"
	set button1 to state of button "button1" of window "main"
	set image1 to image of image view "image1" of window "windowimage"
end getDefaultss

on writeDefaultss()
	tell user defaults
		set contents of default entry "text1" to text1
		set contents of default entry "button1" to button1
		set contents of default entry "image1" to image1
	end tell
end writeDefaultss

on clicked theObject
	if name of theObject is "button1" then
		if state of theObject = 1 then
			set contents of text field "text1" of window "main" to "showimage1" as text
			set image of image view "image1" of window "windowimage" to load image "photo1"
			set contents of text field "text1" of window "main" to "showimage2" as text
			set image of image view "image1" of window "windowimage" to load image "photo2"
		end if
	end if
end clicked

Model: G5 DP 2700
AppleScript: 2.1
Browser: Safari 412.2.2
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

Hi Frank,

I don’t think you can save an image (data) to user-defaults (unicode text). I think you add the picture file in the Resources folder of your app and load it whenever.


You could save the path to the image, and then load that path when your app starts.