I am trying to make a simple test to create an hour stepper but I could not see to make it work. Can someone who knows stepper coding take a look on the codes below and enlighten me on what might be wrong or missing?
Thanks a lot. javascript:emoticon(‘:D’)
Here are the codes:
–The name of my main window is “timeWindow”
on launched theObject
set visible of window “timeWindow” to true
end launched
on action theObject
set theText to contents of theObject
tell window “timeWindow”
if theObject is equal to text field “hourDisplay” then
set contents of stepper “hourStepper” to theText as integer
set contents of text field “hourDisplay” to theText
end if
end tell
end action
on clicked theObject
tell window “timeWindow”
if the name of theObject is stepper “hourStepper” then
set theValue to the contents of stepper “hourStepper” as integer
set contents of text field “hourDisplay” to theValue
end if
end tell
end clicked
on awake from nib theObject
set visible of window “timeWindow” to true
end awake from nib
–==end of the script