Help scripting folders

I’m a beginner to scripting, have tryed a couple of things but having no luck.

I want a script to create and new folder, bring up a dialog box, user to enter name, and that name to used to rename folder just created. Then copy contents of another set folder to the one just named.

Can anyone help me?

–This is just one way of doing this:

(*I want a script to create and new folder, bring up a dialog box, user to enter name, and that name to used to rename folder just created.*)

tell application "Finder"

--get name first since you are going to creat new folder
set name_input to display dialog "Choose Folder Name..." default answer ""
set folder_name to text returned of name_input

--make a new folder with the given name
make new folder at desktop with properties {name:folder_name}

--set variable to new_folder's path
set new_folder to folder (((path to desktop) as text) & folder_name)

(*Then copy contents of another set folder to the one just named.*)
--get path to other_folder
set other_folder to choose folder
--copy contents of other_folder to new_folder
duplicate every item in other_folder to new_folder

end tell

Have fun!

Thanks larry, will try this today.
