Help! Trying to build financial account aggregrator

I am a newbie programmer and want to have all of my (up to date) financial and frequent flyer account balances in one place. I tried to use CURL to log into Citibank and Amex, but I was never able to figure out the cookie thing. So, I built an Applescript to login to both pages using Safari.

Now I need to figure out how to parse out my balances and put them into an appropriate format (text file?). Once I do this for one site, presumably it will be easy to add all my others.

Can anyone help me through the process of finishing this off? What is the best way to grab the appropriate text from Safari? Once I have the account balances stored in variables, how do I move them to a text file (assuming it’s best to put them in a text file)?

I am planning to use either Konfabulator or Tiger Dashboard Widgets (when available) to display my balances. And I was planning to use cron to run the script daily.

Final question: will Automator allow me to do this without scripting? Can Automator grab certain text from a webpage?

Thanks in advance,

