Help with a form and html output of data

I am a high school music teacher, and I have been assigned the task of collecting other teachers favorite pieces of music and posting that info to share with the rest of the teachers.

The form isn’t much of a problem, but placing the data on the web has been a problem I can do it, but I’d rather script part or all of the formatting and output so I have time to teach and stuff.

Can anyone help with this?

Jeff Talley

Your request is a bit too vague. What I get is that you have prepared a form on a site under your control on which teachers with access to the site can fill in some blanks on the form and submit it. You want to take the data in the fields of those forms and insert it in a web page on your site automagically. The common tool for doing that is called a CGI (common gateway interface) script kept in the cgi/bin directory of your server and triggered by the receipt of a submitted form. The CGI script then parses the form for the data and constructs a new or modifies an old web page. A fairly intimate knowledge of the form, the html of the new page, and setting up the server to understand an AppleScript CGI is required to do this. Are you prepared for all that?

You said it better than I! Thanks for clarifying.

Cgi is what I need. I was wondering if applescript can do this and if it’s a project for a novice.


I need it done soon or I won’t get to it until next summer.