Help with Drop box....

Good Morning guys

I have a small problem that I can seem to get sorted…

I have done this code and need to create a drop box for it so I can do multiple conversions at the same time can some one please help me with this?

I am learning as I go but my company loves this project so much they incorporated it into our billing system before I had the knowledge to do what I need to.


property tempDiskName : missing value

tell application "Finder"
	set tempDiskName to "Temporary"
	tell application "Finder" to get the name of home
	set user_name to the result & " - Temp MP3"
	set this_folder to user_name
	if exists folder this_folder of disk tempDiskName then
		--display dialog "Folder exists"
		tell application "Finder" to get the name of home
		set user_name to the result & " - Temp MP3"
		set this_folder to make new folder at disk tempDiskName
		set name of folder "untitled folder" of disk tempDiskName to user_name
	end if
	set artist to quoted form of "Recorded @ Sonovision Studios South Africa"
	set comments to quoted form of "[url=][/url]"
	set sourceFile to choose file with prompt "Select Source file" without invisibles
	set sourceName to (name of (info for sourceFile))
	if (sourceName ends with ".wav") or (sourceName ends with ".aif") then
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
		set sourceName to characters 1 thru -5 of sourceName as string
	end if
	set title to quoted form of sourceName
	set infile to quoted form of (POSIX path of (sourceFile))
	set outPutDirectory to ((folder user_name of disk tempDiskName) as alias)
	--set outPutDirectory to choose folder with prompt "Select destination for converted files"
	set outfileHigh to quoted form of ((POSIX path of (outPutDirectory)) & sourceName & "_320.mp3")
	set outfileLow to quoted form of ((POSIX path of (outPutDirectory)) & sourceName & "_96.mp3")
	do shell script "/usr/local/bin/lame  -b 320 -h --add-id3v2  --tt  " & title & " --ta " & artist & " --tc " & comments & space & infile & space & outfileHigh & " &> /dev/null"
	do shell script "/usr/local/bin/lame  -b 96 -h --add-id3v2  --tt  " & title & " --ta " & artist & " --tc " & comments & space & infile & space & outfileLow & " &> /dev/null"
	make new Finder window to folder user_name of disk tempDiskName
end tell

I have looked at a few dropboxes but they all seam to be beyond my knowledge…
It will be greatly appreciated if some one has the solution to this…