Help with Eudora (& mail clients able to run AS from rul


I’m working in a script, initially concibed for Microsoft’s “Entourage” and Apple’s “Mail”. This script must be run from a rule-filter-schedule or whatever is called in every mail client.

I’ve downloaded-installed Eudora 6 and I can’t find a way to run applescripts from a rule-etc (executed action sub-incoming-message). Can Eudora do this? Does exist any plugin, or anything able to acomplish this behaviour?

In addition, do you know some mail client able to run applescripts over incoming messages? Do you know about PowerMail or others? (I’m not interested in Outlook while I don’t see a new release, which is not very probable)


Eudora doesn’t offer this in a way that is easy to implement. John Delacour provides the best workaround with eunotice. Filter activated scripts is my number one feature request for Eudora.

Mailsmith, from Bare Bones, has this feature.

– Rob

Thanks for the tip, Rob! I’ll jump into barebones stuff… :wink:

  • BTW, Eudora won’t launch aliases, true? (eg, applets, against compiled scripts)

If you mean from the Eudora Scripts menu then yes, it will run applets. Confirmed in Eudora 6.0.1 (paid mode). I don’t know what the capabilities are for the free and sponsored modes.

– Rob

Hmmm… S*it! Where is the scripts menu? I can’t see neither a “Scripts” nor a script-icon menu…

Maybe I need create a “Scripts” folder somewhere?

Yup. Create a folder named “Scripts” in: ~/Library/Application Support/Eudora/

You might even need to create the Eudora folder in Application Support. You will probably then need to quit/launch Eudora to see the menu.

– Rob

Eudora’s Man, page 291, lies.
Rob, rules.


do shell script "mkdir -p '/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Eudora/Scripts'"


I won’t argue about the “Rob, rules” part but I’ll address the manual. :wink:

The manual is wrong. The “Eudora Stuff” folder that they speak of is actually buried within the Eudora package. I’ll submit a bug report if I don’t forget. The developers have added a couple of acceptable locations for the Scripts folder. I think this was done in part because people don’t regularly back up their Applications folder because dynamic, user generated data is usually not stored there.

Here’s the scoop, as provided by John Delacour, a master of Eudora and Eudora scripting.

JJ, if you run into something that doesn’t appear to be scriptable in Eudora, or if you need help, contact me. There’s a bunch of hidden stuff (Settings) that can be scripted.

– Rob