help with excel row sort

I am trying to sort multiple rows

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	set ur to (get used range of active sheet)
	repeat with i from 1 to count row in ur
				sort range "A:G" of row i in ur of worksheet "Sheet1" key1 (range "A:A" of worksheet "Sheet1") order1 sort ascending orientation sort rows
		end repeat
	end tell

this sorts the first row then error,my event log reads

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	get used range of active sheet
		used range of active sheet
	count every row of used range of active sheet
	sort range "A:G" of row 1 of ur of worksheet "Sheet1" key1 range "A:A" of worksheet "Sheet1" order1 sort ascending orientation sort rows
	sort range "A:G" of row 2 of ur of worksheet "Sheet1" key1 range "A:A" of worksheet "Sheet1" order1 sort ascending orientation sort rows
		"Microsoft Excel got an error: The object you are trying to access does not exist"

sense it worked for the first row,I really don’t understand why it does’t work for the next row?

Perhaps something like

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	set ur to range (get address of used range of active sheet) of active sheet
	repeat with rowNum from 1 to count of rows of ur
		set oneRow to get resize (row rowNum of ur) column size 7
		sort oneRow key1 (cell 1 of oneRow) order1 sort ascending orientation sort rows
	end repeat
end tell

Thanks, the script works fine, I must have spent 50+hours trying to get something, It seems the more I learn, the less I know.
Thanks mikerickson