Hi, I am trying to get Terminal to open some files for me rather than doing it through the application directly, for reasons of speed (the files I want to open are loading through a slow external server and I don’t want my Filemaker held up for the time it takes to load them). I’ve racked my brains with this for hours but am running into a wall, could someone possibly help me?
This script works fine:
tell application “Terminal”
set theimage to quoted form of POSIX path of “/Users/pp/Main/Important Stuff/Banners Sept 2010/master container/100x300_1.psd”
do shell script "open " & theimage
end tell
and the images load in Photoshop (the default app for TIF files), nicely loading in the “background” as far as Terminal is concerned.
The issue is when I try to load from a remote server, escaping the filename so that it will work becomes an impossible process, and I get errors. Remotely in terminal, this works fine:
open /Volumes/Mac\ HD/Scans\ Master/image\ archive/f5/loose_y46.psd
and the image is loaded normally. How can I convert this command, say, to something that will run properly embeded in a “do shell script” command? Nothing I can do will make the file come up, but instead gives “file not found” or other errors.
Model: Macbook Pro
Browser: Safari 534.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)