Help with Scripts...

I’m a bit new to scripting, though I’ve been a Macintosh user for some years now.
I need help (If anyone can!) with a couple of versions of very simple script that I’m
writing for the computer resources center on my housing co-operative. The aim of
the scripts is to tackle the problem that we have in a multi-user enviroment of lots
of people leaving tons of stuff in the bin.
There are two versions of the script that I am working on.
Version one is a non-timed script and is designed to empty the bin every time the
computer is shut down.
Version two of the script is a slightly more sophisticated version that is designed to
get rid of the items in the bin that are more than 24hrs old.
Version one runs perfectly on our iMacs, but when run on our G3 comes up with the
error message “The variable Wastebasket is not defined”. (BB readers in the USA
please note on UK Macs the Trash is called the Wastebasket).
Version two has not been run on an iMac yet but doesn’t seem to work on the G3.
Any help , assistance or suggestions would be greatly appriciated. The full scripts are
Version one:

tell application "Finder"
	empty trash
	tell application "Finder"
		shut down
	end tell
end tell

Version two:

tell application "Finder"
	delete (every file of folder "Wastebasket" of desktop ¬
		whose creation date is greater than (the current date) ¬
		- 24 * hours)
	empty Wastebasket
	tell application "Finder"
		shut down
	end tell
end tell