I wrote this script:
tell application "Finder"
set myNewFolderName to (path to desktop folder) & "wordPS" as string
if exists folder myNewFolderName then
set myNewFolder to (make new folder at desktop with properties {name:"wordPS"})
end if
set myNewFolder to myNewFolderName as alias
set myFilePath to result as string
set theText to "Do not work off server; Work off your desktop!"
display dialog theText
set myWordfolder to (choose folder)
set theseWordFiles to every file of myWordfolder
set newFilenames to {}
set myFilenames to name of every file in myWordfolder
repeat with aFilename in myFilenames
set the newFilename to (characters 1 thru -4 of aFilename) as string
set newFilenames to newFilenames & newFilename
end repeat
end tell
repeat with i from 1 to (count of theseWordFiles)
set myDoc to item i of theseWordFiles
set myDocname to item i of newFilenames
set mynewDocName to myFilePath & myDocname & "ps" as string
tell application "Microsoft Word"
open myDoc
print out active doutput file name mynewDocName with print to file
close active document
end tell
end repeat
I get the message: Microsoft Word got an error: active doesn't understand the print out message.
Please help, if you can.