
Does anyone have a code where when you enter text in Applescript dialog box it’ll tell you what you typed in another dialog? I been looking for a code todo that for a while I just recently got into Applescript.

I assume you want more than this, but you don’t say what or I have misinterpreted:

display dialog "You typed" & return & return & "\"" & (text returned of (display dialog "Please enter your text" default answer "")) & "\""

Ah… back to basics:

--set a variable to the result of a dialog box
set thevariable to display dialog "Please enter text below." default answer "Applescript is easy." buttons {"Nevermind", "OK"} default button 2
if button returned of thevariable is "OK" then -- if you pressed "OK"
	display dialog "You wrote:" & return & return & quote & text returned of thevariable & quote
else -- if you pressed cancel
	display alert "Canceled."
end if