Is there something out there which will convert tiff files to gif files without having to have open photoshop or a similar program?
As I need to pass it onto other operators who don’t have access to photoshop but still need to do the conversion?
Quicktime will open gif’s, but won’t export them.
Use PNG not gif, and use GD.
See following page for install info.
You can do shell scripts from applescript to convert.
Do they have to be GIFs, or will PNGs do? (I think people are supposed to be using PNG rather than GIF, aren’t they?) The Image Events application of OS X will save into any of these formats: JPEG2, TIFF, JPEG, PICT, BMP, PSD, PNG, and QuickTime Image. Here is a link:
and as a matter of fact, Apple provides several Folder Actions with the OS that show how to do this sort of thing. Look in /Library/Scripts/Folder Action Scripts/ and check out the scripts whose names start with “Image”.
If you really need the GIF format, Graphic Converter is a great (and scriptable) application for batch processing. It is very reasonably priced shareware, truly one of the very best graphics applications that a person can have in their toolkit.
Also, you can use GifBuilder carbon, freeware, scriptable. Search If it doesn’t allow you to open a tiff in a frame from the menu, then drop the tiff in the window. If you’re using pictures, then you probably need to set the color settings and transparency based on first pixel (turn off maybe). Play around with it. I have made giffs from tiffs and it turned out quite well for giff.