I wrote a simple script that runs the automator and it’s working well, but when I sent it to another computer
it’s doesn’t work.
I have iBook g4 10.4.6 and I sent it to iMac g5 10.4.5
any suggestions?
Thank you
I wrote a simple script that runs the automator and it’s working well, but when I sent it to another computer
it’s doesn’t work.
I have iBook g4 10.4.6 and I sent it to iMac g5 10.4.5
any suggestions?
Thank you
Perhaps you could post your code? Without seeing the mechanics, you’re going to get a lot of guesses that may not be as helpful as you’d like.
Hi mleslie
we both try to run the same AP, first he send me his script…
then i wrote a simple one too:
tell application "TextEdit"
beep 5
end tell
but still nothing…
then he save the same script i sent him, and send it back to me… and nothing even didn’t launch.
I’ve check permissions, nothing seems wrong
Interesting, because your sample script runs just fine on my machine! [dual-core G5 tower, 10.4.6]
What happens if each of you download it from this thread and try it (rather than sending it to each other)?
Hi Adam Bell
I’ll explain my self again,
the script himself is O.K, the problem is that I can’t run an app file that my friend sent me.
same thing when I save my script as app, and send it to him
try it yourself
When I think of it again hmm…
the problem is that we both didn’t stuff the app file into zip or other format
I forgot it ca cause a problem
thanks you for your time, and sorry.
Although I’m not sure why, that is a problem. You must zip them or the transmission breaks them. I just had the problem two days ago.