hide mouse pointer

i’m using itunes to diplay videos full screen using a macmini intel. I see the mouse pointer when the movie is playing.
I tried osax xtool but it only works on PPC macs. any suggestion ?

Not until XTool is upgraded to universal.

You could setup a separate applescript-studio app and launch it after iTunes, using the following code:

call method "hide" of class "NSCursor"

Or “hideUntilNextMovement” or whatever is called. Search developer.apple.com for the NSCursor obj-c reference.
I don’t know if this works, but you should try making the app dockless (or background), and perhaps it would target the cursor instance of the frontmost app (iTunes).

You may also ask the developer of XTool to re-compile it for Intel support. Will be perhaps some broken commands (or not), but I think the cursor suite should work fine…