I like iPhoto, but when I “launch” it it opens w/ the Library selected. I would like to have it open w/ a particular album selected. It might not be appropriate for someone to “see” all that is in my library, so upon opening would like it not to do so.
The following script will launch iPhoto, but it still momentarily shows the Library then switches to album “Empty”.
tell application “iPhoto”
select album “Empty”
end tell
What I would like to know, for other apps as well, how can I launch iPhoto and have it prepare itself while “hidden”. Then set to Empty, then display itself in the foreground.
I suppose there may be a way to set the properties on “Library” to hidden. That approach would work for this instance, but would like to know more generically the lauch as hidden. Both responses would be helpful.
I’ve been a programmer for 25 years, but somewhat new to the intracacies of AppleScript.
G. Peter