I wanted to hide a cell of a matrix so I tried:
set visible of cell 3 of matrix 1 of window 1
But that didn’t go nice so I went from “visible” to “transparent”
set transparent of cell 3 of matrix 1 of window 1
Which does seem to work but there are some problems, it won’t work all the time, if you only call that line (so no code before and/or after that line) then it won’t work unless you go to another window or so. When you add other lines to your code like below it does seem to work.
set visible of matrix 1 of window 1 to false
set transparent of cell 3 of matrix 1 of window 1 to true
set visible of matrix 1 of window 1 to true
It’s the same in Objective-C, hiding NSMatrix, set transparent of NSCell to false showing NSMatrix…
Am I using the wrong syntax here? Does it have something to do with NSCells not being NSViews?
Somewhere someone suggested
Can someone shed any light on this please?