Hiding the .webloc extension but not others

Although I’ve disabled “Show file extensions” in the finder, I’ve noticed new behavior, recently: When i drag URLs from Safari to the desktop, the annoying “.webloc” is still visible. Not sure why this is happening, but I’d like to write a script to Get Info and hide that extension, then attach it to my desktop folder as a folder action.

I know nothing about AppleScript. :slight_smile: Anyone care to help out, or point me in the right direction?

Thanks. :slight_smile:

This is easy to do. Compile the following script in Script Editor and attach it to your folder:

on open of fileList
	-- loop through the files
	repeat with eachItem in fileList
		tell application "Finder"
			-- make sure we have a file, not a folder
			if class of eachItem is file then
				-- hide its extension
				set extension hidden of eachItem to true
			end if
		end tell
	end repeat
end open

Thanks a million!!!


Your script hides the extensions of all files in the folder to which it’s attached, but there are some files whose extensions I do want to be able tosee. Is it possible to single out only the files with the extension “.webloc”?

Thanks again!


Sure, just add some logic to the script:

on open of fileList
	-- loop through the files
	repeat with eachItem in fileList
		tell application "Finder"
			-- make sure we have a file, not a folder
			if class of eachItem is file then
				-- check it's a .webloc
				if name extension of eachFile is "webloc" then
					-- hide its extension
					set extension hidden of eachItem to true
				end if
			end if
		end tell
	end repeat
end open

Awesome! Thanks again!!
