Hotfolder to print multiple Indesign docs

I was hoping someone could help me out with printing multiple InDesign documents to a specific printer with settings specific to all docs. I’d like to have a hotfolder set up so that 20-30 docs could be dropped into it, open each doc individually, print, then close the doc before opening the next. Any help is appreciated - thanks!

hey dude,
u can play around with this (without engagement):
this is a droplet maybe for indesignCS2 docs only ?!?. drop your files and select printer and printstyles.

global OptionsVar, tmpPrintStyle

on ProcessAFileList(aFileList)
	repeat with aFile in aFileList
		tell application "Finder"
			set runVar to (file type of aFile = "IDd4")
		end tell
		if runVar = true then
			if OptionsVar = false then
				set tmpPrintStyle to my getPrintOptions()
				my printFile(aFile, tmpPrintStyle)
				my printFile(aFile, tmpPrintStyle)
			end if
			tell application "Finder" to activate
			tell application "Finder" to display dialog "Document: " & name of aFile & " is no InDesignCS2 Document!" with icon 2
		end if
	end repeat
end ProcessAFileList

on open of fileList
	-- wichtige infos anzeigen
	set click to {" Cancel ", " OK "}
	set retValue to (display dialog "All Pics and Charsets OK? Colormanagement OK?" buttons click default button 2 giving up after 10)
	set myButton to button returned of retValue
	if myButton = first item of click then error number -128
	if gave up of retValue = true then error number -128
	set OptionsVar to false
end open

on getPrintOptions()
	tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
		set tmpPrintStyle to name of every printer preset
		set tmpPrintStyle to (choose from list tmpPrintStyle with prompt "Print-Style?") as string
		set tmpPrintStylePrinter to printer of printer preset tmpPrintStyle
		log tmpPrintStylePrinter
		set tmpPrinter to printer list of printer preset tmpPrintStyle
		set tmpPrinter to (choose from list tmpPrinter with prompt "Printer?" default items tmpPrintStylePrinter) as string
		log tmpPrintStyle
		log tmpPrinter
		set printer of printer preset tmpPrintStyle to tmpPrinter
		get printer of printer preset tmpPrintStyle
	end tell
	set OptionsVar to true
	return tmpPrintStyle
end getPrintOptions

on printFile(aFile, tmpPrintStyle)
	set aFile to aFile as string
	tell application "Adobe InDesign CS2"
		set csVersion to version
		if csVersion = 3 then
			set user interaction level to never interact
			set user interaction level of script preferences to never interact
		end if
			close every document
		end try
			open file aFile
		on error
			tell application "Finder"
				display dialog ("Cannot open " & name of alias aFile as string)
			end tell
		end try
		delay 5
		with timeout of 600 seconds
			print document 1 using (tmpPrintStyle as string) --without print dialog
		end timeout
		if csVersion = 3 then
			set user interaction level to interact with all
			set user interaction level of script preferences to interact with all
		end if
		close document 1 saving no
	end tell
end printFile

greets from

apparently the script will work for CS2, but not for CS3 nor CS4.

Is there anyone who can tell me what I need to change in this script to be able to use it for the latest versions of InDesign?


Model: MacbookPro
Browser: Safari 523.12.2
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.5)


set runVar to (file type of aFile = "IDd4")


set runVar to (file type of aFile = "IDd5")

but first you must define a print style (printer preset) in InDesign

Greets from