how can an action perform an "activate" and "quit" command to one app?

Well, I have my script running. It will open an item if I push a button. How can I make it close the application if I push the same button again? Does it invlove a variable? Seems tricky.

if (keys pressed) contains "F1" then
	tell process "iChat"
	end tell
end if

if (keys pressed) contains "F1" then
	tell process "iChat"
	end tell
end if

You could try something like this:

property currentState : 0

if (keys_pressed) contains "F1" then
	if currentState is 0 then
		activate application "iChat"
		quit application "iChat"
	end if
	set currentState to (currentState + 1) mod 2
end if

thanks Bruce!