How can i check a CD/DVD

At the moment i am copying information from CDs and wondered if i could do it with apple script, i have 60 CDs left so thought that it woud be a good reason to check.

This is it:
I would like to copy exvery file withextension tif form the CD.
the CD has a random amount of folders, that is to say i dont know.
the tif has to be moved to a specific folder < which i can do with the finder.

I think i can also do step on, just make a list and run through the list.

But i cant get it to use the CD, as i dont know how, and i also dont know how to open all the folders and then get the tiffs.

There might also be a stage where there are now folders and no tiffs.

It would also be nice if someone mentioned how to eject a cd that way i can do that too.

Cheers Guys.

Something simple like this finds a CD.

tell application "Finder"
	-- Looks for a CD by an ejectable disk and the name "Audio CD"
	set diskList to every disk whose (ejectable is true)
end tell
repeat with i in diskList
	if the name of i contains "CD" then
		set itsaCD to i
		exit repeat
	end if
end repeat

This script below (when the idle handler is used) will watch for a Audio CD, then iterate through the list getting “infor for” each item in the path:

--on idle
tell application "Finder"
	-- Looks for a CD by an ejectable disk and the name "Audio CD"
	set diskList to every disk whose (ejectable is true)
end tell
repeat with i in diskList
	if the name of i contains "CD" then
		set itsaCD to i
		exit repeat
	end if
end repeat
-- Displays if no CD
if itsaCD = "" then
	display dialog "No CD in CD Player"
	set eject_the_disk to false
	if eject_the_disk is true then --Ejects Trouble CDS
		tell application "Finder"
			eject (every disk whose (ejectable is true))
		end tell
		-- set the track list 
		set CDTrack_files to (every item of itsaCD)
		set item_Count to (count of CDTrack_files) as string
		set floopcount to 1 as real -- cycle through all inputs
		repeat until floopcount > (count of CDTrack_files)
			set aTrack to (item floopcount of CDTrack_files) as string
			-- do stuff commands here
			set trackInfo to info for aTrack
			set floopcount to (floopcount + 1)
		end repeat
	end if
end if
--end idle

Down at the bottom of this URL there is info on doing something like this the *nix way:
I hope this helps.