Hi All,
I am a new hand of Applescript. An application I have to work 24 hours. But it’d crash sometimes(no response,CPU usage over 100%…).
So I try to auto-detect every 30 mins using Applescript.I would detect application “Osirix” if responsive …If no response then close the application “Osirix” and activate “Osirix” again.
I refer some old hand article to check state…but it’s always pass the checking even the Application “Osirix” is responsive…
Dose any guys can give me a hand.thanks a lot…
delay 180
set The_app to "Osirix"
set state to ""
tell application "System Events"
set pid to the unix id of process The_app as Unicode text
set state to paragraph 2 of (do shell script "ps -p " & quoted form of pid & " | awk '{ print $3 }'")
end try
end tell
if state = "Z" then
do shell script "kill " & pid
tell application The_app to quit
tell application The_app to activate
display dialog "Osirix is working" giving up after 3
end if
delay (1800)
end repeat
I changed the parameter for the ps command, enforced your kill, (it is a zombie process) and turned your script into an idle handler, which you should just save as an app, and make it run. (I have tossed in a run handler so that you can see that it actually does!
on run
tell me
display dialog "I am up and running!" giving up after 3
end tell
end run
on idle
local firstTime, The_app, state, pid
if firstTime = false then set firstTime to true
on error
delay 180
set firstTime to true
end try
set The_app to "Osirix"
set state to ""
tell application "System Events"
set pid to the unix id of process The_app as Unicode text
set state to paragraph 2 of (do shell script "ps ax " & quoted form of pid & " | awk '{ print $3 }'")
end try
end tell
if state = "Z" then
do shell script "kill −9 " & pid
delay 10
tell application The_app to quit
end try
tell application The_app to activate
tell me
display dialog "Osirix is working" giving up after 3
end tell
end if
return 1800
end idle