How can I convert an ASOC to Studio?

Firstly how can I use notifications (textDidChange_, applicationShouldHandleReopen_hasVisibleWindows_) and secondly use cocoa methods, which I would now prefer to any Studio ways of doing things. Plus how do I link objects to the script? Meanwhile I will look in unscripted :slight_smile:


the pre Snow Leopard AppleScript Studio version includes event handlers for many purposes.
The names are similar to the (AppleScript)ObjC names e.g. begin editing, end editing, changed, should begin editing, should end editing for text fields

Ahhhh changed, OK how do I link objects to variables like I would with links and property?

Name the objects in the AppleScript tab of Inspector in Interface Builder and use this syntax

set myVariable to a reference to text field "user" of box "myBox" of tab view "userView" of window "main"

Isn’t there a terminal command to get that to show?

Sorry, I don’t understand

I believe in 10.6 Studio is depreciated but can be unhidden with some sort of terminal command.

Ah, I see, yes there is a way to enable AppleScript Studio support

defaults write IBEnableAppleScriptStudioSupport -bool YES

Thanks thats great. What about for Xcode?


Apple has removed the AppleScript templates for creating new projects

What can I do for applicationShouldHandleReopen_hasVisibleWindows_ ?

If you mean how do you use it, you add it as a handler to your application delegate, and return either true or false, depending on how you want the app to respond. It’s probably more an issue with doc-based apps.

“Convert an ASOC to Studio” Sorry no I mean the Studio equivalent.

How can I build projects for 10.4?

The best way to build projects for previous versions of the OS are to use that OS to build them with.
So, use 10.4 to build applications for 10.4.

Ha! Where will I get Tiger now???

Ebay :slight_smile:

Not worth it. :lol:

I know it’s a pain. I have a second hd in my G5 that has a Tiger install. I rarely use it but it has come in handy on more than one occasion.

Mind doing a small task for me Craig. And only if you want to, a debug?.. If there is a problem.