Unfortunately ‘Progress’s incrementBy_(1)’ didn’t work on it’s own; in order to get the indicator to work it needs updating with ‘displayIfNeeded’, and in order to get it to animate it needed the ‘setUsesThreadedAnimation’ line below. Without them there’s only a sudden update when the script finishes.
on UpDateProgress(incP)
repeat incP times
Progress's setUsesThreadedAnimation_(true)
Progress's incrementBy_(1)
Progress's displayIfNeeded()
end repeat
end UpDateProgress
I’ve got 6 checkboxes that determine if certain reports on data bases are sent, and the code is called by a button that stays blue until the code is finished.
And that’s your real problem. When you push the button, the event is sent to your handler, and the button isn’t released until the handler is finished – meanwhile your dialog is blocked. If you look at the first example here http://www.scriptingmatters.com/ASObjC, you’ll see the same thing, and the solution.
However, I still need to use the following, presumably because I’m triggering the routine from within handler loops.
It gives a nice smooth action, whereas without the line ‘displayIfNeeded’ it is very jerky.
BUT, the button is no longer blue.
on UpDateProgress(incP)
repeat incP times
Progress's setUsesThreadedAnimation_(true)
Progress's incrementBy_(1)
Progress's displayIfNeeded()
end repeat
end UpDateProgress
You do it in Interface Builder, in the Bindings panel of the Inspector.
But it’s not bindings or lack of it that is your problem; it’s the need to use performSelector_withObject_afterDelay_ so that your handler can return quickly. Doing that will solve the problem that setUsesThreadedAnimation_ and displayIfNeeded cannot.
I’ve worked out how to bind to ‘isIdle’, and I’ve included the performSelector_withObject_afterDelay_ handler, but I still needed the ‘displayIfNeeded’ to give a smooth animation, otherwise it ‘jerked’ from one position to the next, in large increments.
However it doesn’t animate. I see in the connections inspector a ‘startAnimation’ but can’t figure out how to use it. Is it required?
I’ve bound the ‘Animate’ to a property set to true, but it’s still not animating.
That’s the way it works: you tell it to be a number, and a number it is. If you want finer steps, you need to use a bigger range of numbers. The animation stuff you’re playing with is for indeterminate progress bars, not ones where you set the value.
That’s what I’m doing, but I’m calling the small incrementing routine from within loops, and even though I’m using large numbers, it still jerks from the number at the beginning of the loop, to the number at the end, unless I use the ‘displayIfNeeded’.
I’ll attach a part of my script so you can see one loop that calls it for hundreds of times ( don’t ask why).
Of more importance to me atm is why isn’t it animating?
How on earth do I bind the startAnimation to the progress indicator?
on ClientReport()
set DataClientYear to theYear's titleOfSelectedItem() as integer
set TallyName2 to (TempTallyName & "Mail Data " & DataClientYear) as text
set TestClientDate to current date
set EndClientDate to current date
set year of TestClientDate to DataClientYear
set month of TestClientDate to (startingMonth's indexOfSelectedItem()) + 1
set day of TestClientDate to 1
set the hours of TestClientDate to 0
set the minutes of TestClientDate to 0
set the seconds of TestClientDate to 0
set year of EndClientDate to DataClientYear
set month of EndClientDate to (endingMonth's indexOfSelectedItem()) + 1
set day of EndClientDate to 1
set the hours of EndClientDate to 0
set the minutes of EndClientDate to 0
set the seconds of EndClientDate to 0
set HourlyString to {}
set MonthlyString to {} --{"¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ Data for clients starting " & TestClientDate & "¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢" & return & return}
set tempStartingMonth to month of TestClientDate as integer
set tempendingmonth to month of EndClientDate as integer
set theClientList to {}
set theClientList2 to {}
tell application "Finder"
set theFiles to files of folder TallyName2
set xx to 0
repeat with individualFile in theFiles
my UpDateProgress(10) ---<--- increment progress indicator
set theCreationDate to creation date of individualFile
set theCMonth to month of theCreationDate as integer
if theCMonth ≥ tempStartingMonth and theCMonth ≤ tempendingmonth then
set tempWholeList to my ReadFile2(individualFile as text) as list
repeat with paragraphCycle in paragraphs of item 1 of tempWholeList -- run through the clients in .dat
set x to offset of "," in paragraphCycle
set y to offset of ">" in paragraphCycle
set tempClientString to characters (x + 1) thru y of paragraphCycle as text
set exitFlag to false
set ContentCount to count of items of theClientList
set theCycleLoop to 100
if theCycleLoop > ContentCount then set theCycleLoop to ContentCount
if ContentCount ≠0 then
repeat with x from 1 to ContentCount by theCycleLoop
set y to x + theCycleLoop
if y ≥ ContentCount then set y to ContentCount
set tempstring to items x thru y of theClientList
repeat with tempCycle from 1 to count of items of tempstring -- now check through existing clients
if tempClientString = item tempCycle of tempstring as text then
set item (tempCycle + x - 1) of theClientList2 to (item (tempCycle + x - 1) of theClientList2) + 1
set exitFlag to true
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if exitFlag then exit repeat
end repeat
end if
if not exitFlag then
if tempClientString ≠"" then
set end of theClientList to tempClientString
set end of theClientList2 to 1
end if
end if
on error errmsg
--display dialog errmsg
end try
end repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
set thecount to count of theClientList
set theincrement to 20 / thecount
set incCount to 0
repeat with x from 1 to thecount
set incCount to incCount + theincrement
if incCount > 1 then
my UpDateProgress(4)
set incCount to 0
end if
set t to item x of theClientList
if character 1 of t is in {"\"", " ", "?"} then
set tt to characters 2 thru (count of t) of t as text
set item x of theClientList to tt
set t to tt
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if character 1 of t = "<" then
set t to characters 2 thru -1 of t & "<" as text
set item x of theClientList to t
end if
end repeat
set {temp4, temp3} to my sort2Lists(theClientList, theClientList2)
set temp1 to {}
set temp2 to {}
set incCount to 0
repeat with x from (count of temp4) to 1 by -1
set incCount to incCount + theincrement
if incCount > 1 then
my UpDateProgress(4)
set incCount to 0
end if
set end of temp1 to item x of temp3
set t to item x of temp4
if character -1 of t = "<" then
set t to "<" & characters 1 thru -2 of t as text
end if
set end of temp2 to t -- ClientList
end repeat
set DisplayAlphabetString to {}
set incCount to 0
repeat with x from (count of temp1) to 1 by -1
set incCount to incCount + theincrement
if incCount > 1 then
my UpDateProgress(4)
set incCount to 0
end if
set tempfill to ""
if item x of temp1 as integer < 1000 then set tempfill to (ASCII character of 9)
set end of DisplayAlphabetString to item x of temp1 & tempfill & (ASCII character of 9) & item x of temp2 & return
end repeat
set {temp1, temp2} to my sort2Lists(temp1, temp2)
set DisplayString to {}
set incCount to 0
repeat with x from (count of temp1) to 1 by -1
set incCount to incCount + theincrement
if incCount > 1 then
my UpDateProgress(4)
set incCount to 0
end if
set tempfill to ""
if item x of temp1 as integer < 1000 then set tempfill to (ASCII character of 9)
set end of DisplayString to item x of temp1 & tempfill & (ASCII character of 9) & item x of temp2 & return
end repeat
my CheckOK()
end ClientReport
Shane, I am listening, but even though I’ve done everything you suggested, the bar isn’t animating. I’m simply trying to find a reason why is damnwell isn’t.
At least when I was not doing things ‘right’ I had an animating progress indicator. I would like one now as well, or I’ll go back to my old ‘incorrect’ script.
Solve this and I’ll shout you a beer if you’re ever in Bendigo.
The indicator is definitely determinate, it has NOT got a barber pole in interface builder.
As for the lot of incrementing, I’ve got 6 possible handlers that a user can select from, 1 thru all of them. Some execute in a few seconds, one (which I posted) takes several minutes. I’ve ‘weighted’ the long one so the progress bar slides along evenly according to the time each takes, not ‘jerking’ from one to the next. I’m fussy about things like that.
In other words, the four minute one uses about 80% of the bar, which is about 11cm long.