How do I change properties of current Entourage task

How do I change the properties of the currently selected Entourage task? Specifically, I want to programmatically change the due date. Thanks.

Model: MacBook Pro
AppleScript: 1.10.6
Browser: Safari 417.9.3
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.4)

set someDate to (current date) + 7 * days

tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
	set due date of task "The Great Task" to someDate
end tell

See Entourage’s dictionary for more info.

This is extremely helpful. How can I set the date to “no due date.” Unlike Entourage projects, I can’t find in the dictionary that Tasks have a “has due date” property.

Seems you can’t. If you can’t stick changing due dates to something absurd (ie, year 2079), you could perhaps: 1) get info from task you wish to be modified; 2) delete such task; 3) create new task with grabbed info (except for due date).

I am also looking at setting up a basic applescript to create a task. I have been using the following code which works to a point but does not fill in all the data. Any suggestions would be great

set theName to “test1”
set theContent to “Call reminder for (Jessy Sutcliffe)”
set theDueDate to “28 2 2007”
set theRemindDate to “28 2 2007”
set theRemindTime to "12:00 "
set thePriority to “high”
tell application “Microsoft Entourage”
set newEvent to make new task with properties {priority:thePriority, name:theName, content:theContent, has reminder:1, due date:theDueDate, remind date and time:(theRemindDate & theRemindTime)}
set theID to ID of newEvent
end tell