How do I pass UI element names from script through a function?

How do I pass UI element names from a script through a function using AppleScript?
For example:

click button “Save” of sheet 1 of window “Untitled”

In the example above, I need to pass the values “Save”(i.e. button name) and “1”(i.e. sheet name) through a function. It does not seem to work. Is there any way of making this work?

  1. go to this website…
  2. choose “save as” from the file menu
  3. then run the following script and it works
set buttonName to "Save"
set sheetName to 1
set windowName to "Applescript and Scripting Resources @ MacScripter"

tell application "System Events"
	tell process "Safari"
		click button buttonName of sheet sheetName of window windowName
	end tell
end tell