How do I return and excel object from applescript to automator

Hi All,

I am new to the automator and applescript but I have a requirement to take the selected mail messages and process them into an excel format (with 5 lines of preview) and then subsequent print, or save (or use one of the other excel actions).

I have gotten to the part where I have the mail messages selected → passed them in to my applescript which formats the excel the way I want.

Now I want to return the entire excel object from applescript back to automator so that other actions can be performed on the excel? How can this be acheived - obviously hoping for a solution which does not require saving the file then reopening them later on but just directly passing the excel stream to the output object?

My automator startes with the mail action “get selected mail messages” and passes them into the following applescript;

on ModifyBorder(thisBorder)
tell application “Microsoft Excel”
set line style of thisBorder to dash
end try
set color index of thisBorder to 3
end try
end tell
end ModifyBorder

on run {input, parameters}
set output to {}

set crlf to (ASCII character 13) & (ASCII character 10)
set tabs to (ASCII character 11)

(* Open workbook *)
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	set screen updating to false
	set theWorkbook to make new workbook
	(*set column width of range "A:C" to 20 characters (columns)*)
	set column width of column 1 to 7
	set column width of column 2 to 20
	set column width of column 3 to 2
	set column width of column 4 to 90
	(* set up paper in landscape *)
	tell page setup object of active sheet
		set page orientation to portrait (* landscape *)
		set zoom to false
		set left footer to "Page &P of &N"
	end tell
	(* hide grid lines *)
	set display gridlines of window 1 to false
end tell

set currentRow to 1

tell application "Mail"
	repeat with eachMessage in input
		set theContent to content of eachMessage
		set theSubject to subject of eachMessage
		set theSender to sender of eachMessage
		set theDateRecv to date received of eachMessage
		set dayString to day of theDateRecv
		set monthString to month of theDateRecv as string
		set yearString to year of theDateRecv
		set shortMonthString to characters 1 thru 3 of monthString
		set mailDate to dayString & "-" & shortMonthString & " " & yearString as string

		set lineCount to 5
		set numbLin to count of paragraphs of theContent
		if numbLin is less than 5 then set lineCount to numbLin
		set theLine1 to ""
		set theLine2 to ""
		set theLine3 to ""
		set theLine4 to ""
		set theLine5 to ""
		repeat with i from 1 to lineCount
			if i is equal to 1 then set theLine1 to paragraph i of theContent as string
			if i is equal to 2 then set theLine2 to paragraph i of theContent as string
			if i is equal to 3 then set theLine3 to paragraph i of theContent as string
			if i is equal to 4 then set theLine4 to paragraph i of theContent as string
			if i is equal to 5 then set theLine5 to paragraph i of theContent as string
		end repeat
		set theIndent to tabs
		set thePreview to theLine1 & crlf & theLine2 & crlf & theLine3 & crlf & theLine4 & crlf & theLine5

		(* now add 5 lines of the text to the output beneath the text and indented *)
		(* theContent *)
		(* now add the lines located to individual columns of excel
		   Row 1;
		   Col A(1):Date -> mailDate
		   Col B(2):From -> theSender
		   Col C(3):Subject -> theSubject
		   Row 2;
		   Col C(3):thePreview *)
		tell application "Microsoft Excel"
			tell worksheet "Sheet1" of active workbook
				(* Apply format to the first row*)
				(* Height 20 *)
				(* A 7 
				   B 20
				   c 2
				   D 90 *)
				set currentRow to currentRow + 1
				set value of cell 1 of row currentRow to mailDate
				set value of cell 2 of row currentRow to theSender
				set value of cell 3 of row currentRow to theSubject
				set row height of row currentRow to 20
				tell font object of row currentRow of active sheet
					set {name, font style, font size, strikethrough, superscript, subscript, ¬
						outline font, shadow, font color index} to {"Arial Narrow", "Bold", ¬
						10, false, false, false, false, false, color index automatic}
				end tell
				set currentRow to currentRow + 1
				set value of cell 4 of row currentRow to thePreview
				tell font object of row currentRow of active sheet
					set {name, font style, font size, strikethrough, superscript, subscript, ¬
						outline font, shadow, font color index} to {"Arial Narrow", "Italic", ¬
						10, false, false, false, false, false, color index automatic}
				end tell
				set currentRow to currentRow + 1
				tell row currentRow
					set thisBorder to get border which border border bottom
					my ModifyBorder(thisBorder)
				end tell
				set row height of row currentRow to 5
			end tell
		end tell
	end repeat
end tell

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	set screen updating to true
end tell
return output

end run

Any pointers much appreciated
