how do I select items based on properties of subitems?

I’m relatively new to applescript and using Outlook 2015 (or 2016) for Mac.
In Apple Script, I was able to do things I was able to do with Apple Mail.
With Apple Mail I was able to do the following to select messages based on the sender:

set staledate to (current date) - (50 * days)

tell application "Mail"
	-- display dialog "Mail App selected"
	with timeout of 1500 seconds
		set msgs to every message of mailbox "Inbox" of account "Exchange" whose sender is equal to "" and date received is less than staledate
	end timeout
	-- display dialog "Mails from selected"
	set MessageCount to 0
	repeat with aMsg in msgs
		-- ...
	end repeat
end tell

But in outlook for mac, the sender is an object itself splitter in three properties: {type, address, name}
Does anybody have an idea on how to make the same thing as in Apple Mail?
I did try with embedded (get sender), (extract … from…), …
but always end up with either a syntax error, either no exploitable results.
As the mailbox contains mores than 16Gb of data, in more than 30 folders and subfolders, I can’t make a first selection based on the staledate, and then iterate thru each message.

Thanks in advance for your valuable help!
