How do I turn a terminal command into applescript?


Our mailroom gets hundreds of emails a day, which we process via Applesctipt. The Mail app tends to clog up.

I’ve found a terminal command that cleans the data base. Is it possible to run it via Applescript?

sqlite3 ~/Library/Mail/Envelope\ Index vacuum

Regards, and thanks



come on, I cannot believe, that you’ve never heard about the do shell script command

do shell script "/usr/bin/sqlite3 ~/Library/Mail/Envelope\\ Index vacuum"

Thanks Stefan

GRIN I just never connected the shell command to a terminal command. I’ve used it, but thought it might be calling C+ or something.

I’ve written a 4600 line mail automating script, and my motto is still Live and Learn (and terminal commands are something I’ve still to learn about).


Santa :stuck_out_tongue: