I know how to ebter new people into the address book. But, how can I change their name? Here is what I am going for:
tell application "Address Book"
get name of person 2 of group "search"
set name of person 2 to "test"
save addressbook
end tell
I know how to ebter new people into the address book. But, how can I change their name? Here is what I am going for:
tell application "Address Book"
get name of person 2 of group "search"
set name of person 2 to "test"
save addressbook
end tell
Try something like this, bonedoc:
tell application "Address Book"
tell person 2 of group "search"
set first name to "Bart"
set last name to "Simpson"
end tell
save addressbook
end tell
i am having trouble. I added some email addresses without any names or anything. So, I do not know what I need to edit. It is just a list of email addresses. I want to change the email addresses, but I do not know if the address book stores it as an email address or a name in this case. Here is what I get when I asked for the properties of person 2:
tell application "Address Book"
get email 1 of person 2
email 1 of person id "A970F5AC-C329-41ED-823B-75833E0DC4D0:ABPerson"
get properties of person 2 of group "search"
{first name:"test", maiden name:missing value, id:"0098372B-256F-43CF-9848-0A7F1637DC76:ABPerson", modification date:date "Saturday, March 4, 2006 5:55:57 PM", middle name:missing value, organization:missing value, department:missing value, class:person, phonetic last name:missing value, phonetic middle name:missing value, name:"test", suffix:missing value, note:missing value, last name:missing value, company:false, birth date:missing value, vcard:"BEGIN:VCARD
", title:missing value, job title:missing value, nickname:missing value, creation date:date "Thursday, March 2, 2006 12:39:35 AM", image:missing value, home page:missing value, phonetic first name:missing value}
end tell
here is the script I originally used to create the person in the address book:
tell application "Address Book"
set the_person to (make new person with properties {email:address1})
add the_person to group "search"
make new email at the end of the_person with properties {value:address, label:"work"}
save addressbook
end tell