how do you make a full application?

This may not be the right place to post this. But, I didn’t know where else to ask. I know you use if you want to create an app in windows. So, what do I need to do this on a mac? I need to have a closeable window, a database, and those sort of things. I just dont know what this requires. If anyone has experience, can you tell me if it is more user friendly than visual basic? Thanks, Ian

If you have them installed, Apple’s Developer Tools (found if they’re present at the top level of your root disk: /Developer). Therein lie all the tools you need to prepare a full-blown application in AppleScript, Java, etc.) If you don’t have this folder, you can get the full set from Apple’s web site ( by registering as a developer (the no fee version).

I have no doubt there’s a ton of things you have to do, bonedoc, but I don’t have experience doing them and haven’t researched it either, so we’ll have to await an expert. In the meantime, there are docs in the ADC Library included in the bundle.