how do you return to where you were at?

Here is a common example of something I encounter regularly, and never quite know how to solve:

If for example, I am in the beingIdle handler:

on beingIdle()
		set x to (random number from 6 to 25)
			if x = 0 then exit repeat
			set x to x - 1
			tell window "myWindow"
				set myDisplay to "Delay " & x & " seconds"
				set the contents of text field "myField" to myDisplay
				delay 1
			end tell
		end repeat
		set theList to {"i1", "i2", "i3", "i4", "i5", "i6", "i7", "i8", "i9", "i10", "i11", "i12", "i13", "i14", "i15", "i16", "i17", "i18", "i19", "i20", "i21", "i22", "i23", "i24"}
		set myChoice to (my playMySound(theList))
		my updateText(mySound, myChoice)
	end repeat
end beingIdle

Simply waiting a random delay, and then playing a sound and updating the myField window with the other handlers: playMySound and updateText (which aren’t relevant)…

Now… I have a menu option for a pause function:

on choose menu item theObject
	if name of theObject is "myPause" and theSection > 1 then
		if pauseState is false then
			set pauseState to true
			set originalDisplay to contents of text field "myField" of window "bootykon"
			tell window "myWindow"
				set myDisplay to "Paused..."
				set the contents of text field "myField" to myDisplay
			end tell
			if myState then pause mySound
				delay 1
			end repeat
		else if pauseState is true then
			if (pause of mySound) as boolean then resume mySound
			set pauseState to false
		end if
	end if
end choose menu item

Pausing works great… However, if I unpause, how can I get back to where ever I was before pause was pressed? It’s not as simple as just recalling the beingidle handler, because you could be within one of many handlers, which some are much more complicated-- playing a series of audio items in sequence… and if you pause, I need to be able to pick up exactly where I was…

Is there any way to store “where you are”, and return to there?

thank you.
