How does one hide the mouse cursor?

How can I hide and show the mouse cursor in applescript studio?

Specifically, It would be even cooler if I could hide the cursor if it is over my “main” window, and reappear when it is moved away.

Thanks in advance!

-Mel :wink:

Do you know any program, which has this behavior? :wink:

It’s not possible in AppleScript Studio but probably in Obj-C

I find it very aggravating when my cursor blends into the background for a moment or two. Make it disappear altogether when inside a window, especially if that window takes up a good portion of the screen, and your application had better be indispensable or it will be dispensed with. :wink:

Hi Guys!

I found a better approach for doing it!

put this code in the idle handler:

on idle theObject

call method "setHiddenUntilMouseMoves:" of class "NSCursor" with parameter 1

return 1

end on idle

This will automatically hide the cursor every second if it is not being moved! :wink:


Hey that’s perfect for a full-screen image viewer I wrote. Thanks.

Glad to be of help! :wink:
