How it is possible to accelerate this?

on MergeList(first_list, last_list)
	set spisok to {}
	repeat while (first_list is not {}) and (last_list is not {})
		if first item of first_list < first item of last_list then
			set end of spisok to first item of first_list
			set first_list to rest of first_list
			set end of spisok to first item of last_list
			set last_list to rest of last_list
		end if
	end repeat
	return spisok & first_list & last_list
end MergeList

--This works slowly, if one of lists been shorter, because alls the elements are don't care looked through.
on MergeList1(first_list, last_list)
	set id_record to 1
	set spisok to {}
	set count_end to count of last_list
	repeat with itm in first_list
		repeat with id_record from id_record to count_end
			if itm > (item id_record of last_list) then
				set end of spisok to item id_record of last_list
				set id_record to id_record + 1
				exit repeat
			end if
		end repeat
		set end of spisok to contents of itm
	end repeat
	repeat with id_record from id_record to count_end
		set end of spisok to item id_record of last_list
	end repeat
	return contents of spisok
end MergeList1

on MergeSort(spisok)
	if (count of spisok) > 1 then
		set vsego to (count of spisok) div 2
		set spisok to MergeList(MergeSort(items 1 thru vsego of spisok), MergeSort(items (vsego + 1) thru -1 of spisok))
	end if
	return spisok
end MergeSort


There’s a very fast merge sort here in Code Exchange, if it’s of any use to you. It’s an “in place” implementation ” that is, it doesn’t return a result, but sorts the actual list passed to it.

Beautifully, this is equal in 10 time been faster what at me, thank