How on EARTH to parameters work in AppleScript Automator Actions for S

Prior to Snow Leopard/XCode 3.2, creating a new AppleScript Automator Action would create a template something like…

on run{input, parameters}

but now, on Snow Leopard, I get:

on runWithInput_fromAction_error_(input, anAction, errorRef)

where to I get the ‘parameters’ collection from? If I just reference ‘parameters’, without it being declared in some way, I get errors…

I assume there is some new mechanism in SL, what is it??

I have tried everything I can think of, including changing the function signature to ‘on run{input, parameters}’, but ‘parameters’ still comes through as empty.

Its also interesting, the template that XCode created for me looked like

on runWithInput_fromAction_error_(input, anAction, errorRef) – notice the parenthesis around the args

and when I change the function name to ‘run’, XCode automatically changes the parenthesis to curley brackets…

on run {input, parameters}

…anyway, the problem still remains - no way to get the parameters value.
I get errors like ‘cant get ‘|myParameter|’ from Empty’

Note: I also have the LATEST XCode installed - perhaps this is a change to the latest XCode, not specifically SL?

My XCode version is 3.2

Same problem. Apple’s documentation is worthless.