How to alter the NEWEST file ??

I need a scipt that looks into a predefined folder. For this we could assume the “folder” was my dekstop. I need the script to upload the NEWEST file on the desktop to a website via Fetch. But my problem is getting this “newest” item. I searched the forum & saw some references to “the newest file” - but the threads didn’t help me.

I’d like to test said script by substituting “copy” or “move” or “rename” instead of the uploading. But this shouldn’t be tough to swap out that single command in the end. I just think testing will be faster with another command in place. To me the hard part is actually having the script identify this “Newest File” - not performing whatever action I need to perform.

Thanks for any leads/input.

This will return the newest file on the desktop:

set desk_top to path to desktop as Unicode text
tell application "Finder"
	set desk_all to (every file of folder desk_top)
	set a to desk_all's item 1
	repeat with b in desk_all
		if (b's creation date) > (a's creation date) then set a to b
	end repeat
end tell

Good luck,

Ciao, this might help you to get the newest file of a folder to be specified by you:

set myFolder to alias "Path:to:your:folder:"
-- or set myFolder to choose folder
tell application "Finder"
	set folderContents to every file of myFolder
	set newestFile to item 1 of folderContents as alias
	repeat with aFile in folderContents
		if modification date of aFile > modification date of newestFile then
			set newestFile to aFile as alias
		end if
	end repeat
-- do something with newestFile
end tell


PS: while I was still fiddling around with the ScriptEditor Craig had already posted a solution :wink:

Where exactly does it “return” the newest file to? I ran the script, it runs w/no problems, but it displays no text in the result window at the bottom of the script pane. Should it?

here an other attempt - maybe (probably?) faster, when searching in larger directories:

set theFolder to path to desktop
set thePath to POSIX path of theFolder
set sortedItems to (do shell script "ls -t " & quoted form of thePath)
tell application "Finder"
	repeat with theFile in paragraphs of sortedItems
		if class of item theFile of desktop is not folder then
			exit repeat
		end if
	end repeat
end tell
set newestFile to (thePath & theFile) as POSIX file


So I added the string “duplicate a” to the first suggested script and it duped the newest file for me. So that is going to work.

Farid, yours worked too. I added “duplicate newestFile” at the end and it had the same result.

Thanks to both of you…

Indeed, this is much faster :slight_smile:


I had another idea for a solution avoiding repeat loop & Finder:

This version ignores aliases:

set theFolder to POSIX path of (path to desktop)
set newFile to theFolder & (do shell script "ls -tF " & quoted form of theFolder & " |  grep -v -e'[/%|@]$' | head -n1")
	set result to alias ((newFile as POSIX file) as string)
on error
	set result to alias (((text 1 thru -2 of newFile as string) as POSIX file) as string)
end try

This version resolves aliases:

set theFolder to POSIX path of (path to desktop)
set newFile to theFolder & (do shell script "ls -tF " & quoted form of theFolder & " |  grep -v -e'[/%|]$' | head -n1")
	set result to alias ((newFile as POSIX file) as string)
on error
	set result to alias (((text 1 thru -2 of newFile as string) as POSIX file) as string)
end try

or if executables and aliases can be omitted:

set theFolder to POSIX path of (path to desktop)
set newFile to theFolder & (do shell script "ls -tF " & quoted form of theFolder & " |  grep -v -e'[/%|@*]$' | head -n1")
set result to alias ((newFile as POSIX file) as string)

NOTE: This solutions fail when the newest file has a file extension ending with one of these special characters:
/ % |@ *


I suggest to use the Finder’s sort command,
it avoids any looping



set theFolder to path to desktop
tell application "Finder"
	set fileList to every document file of theFolder -- or which class you prefer
	sort fileList by modification date -- or creation date
end tell
set newest_file to last item of fileList -- last item is newest

This script does not work for me. It results the last document (in alphabetical order).

This little modification fixed it here:

set theFolder to path to desktop
tell application "Finder"
	set fileList to every document file of theFolder -- or which class you prefer
	set newest_file to first item of (sort fileList by modification date) -- or creation date
end tell

But for use in large (1000+ items) folders it’s significantly slower than a shell script (ls) solution :wink:


strange, I’ve tested my script and it works perfectly here.

You are definitely right with the shell script solution for huge folders :slight_smile:
