My knowledge of applescript is very basic. But I hope someone can help me on this.
I have a folder of zip-files. The name is always an 8-digit number (eg. 080552.zip).
Each zipfile belongs to a specific project. I want to move (or copy) each file to a corresponding
project folder on an AFP-Volume. The project folder contains already a file with the same number as the zip-file.
where m0801 is the folder of the year 2008 and the month 01 (January) and 0061 the main folder of the project and g1 … g3 are subfolders in the project. 080552 is a file with the same reference number as the zip file that should be moved to subfolder g1.
I already tried figuring out how to search for the file 080552 to get the folderpath on the server but without using “unix find” because it is very slow. The AFP-Server holds thousands of project directories. Only when using the Finder find command the search is reasonably fast.
I really appreciate any help