How to clear image of picture box in QuarkXPress?


how to clear image of picture box in QuarkXPress? I tried all:

tell picture box of page X of document Y
      set image 1 to null
      set image 1 to alias ""
      set image 1 to none
end tell

nothing worked, what is the right way?

Hi :slight_smile:

Try this :

tell picture box of page X of document Y 
      delete image 1
end tell 


You have to specify exactly which picture box you want to delete the image from, either by selecting the box first and using “current box” or specifying the box by name or index.

tell application "QuarkXPress"
delete image 1 of current box
end tell


tell application "QuarkXPress"
delete image 1 of picture box 1 of document 1
end tell