How to compare data between two worksheet in Excel for applescript

Hi All,

How to compare the data from two different worksheet in Excel and set the value into one worksheet according to the same name? Here is the example. Worksheet 1 & 2 current we have, the final worksheet is the result we want and the value can be input in worksheet 1. How to write in applescript? Use repeat? Much appreciate if you can help on it.

Worksheet 1:

Name Number

Leo 25
Jame 55
Leo 30
Jame 60
Tim 44
Tomas 77
Lyne 35
Tonny 66
Jame 22
Game 88

Worksheet 2:

Name Number 2

Leo 60
Jame 150
Tim 66
Tomas 88
Lyne 55
Tonny 99
Game 111

Rusult in Worksheet 1

Name Number Total Number per name in Worksheet 1 Number 2 in Worksheet 2

Leo 25 55 60
Jame 55 137 150
Leo 30 55 60
Jame 60 137 150
Tim 44 44 66
Tomas 77 77 88
Lyne 35 35 55
Tonny 66 66 99
Jame 22 137 150
Game 88 88 111