How to create sub sub folders from numbers cells to External drive?


I am new to scripting and I am stuck.

I run Mavericks with Numbers09 and an external NAS drive where I want to create a folder structure.

I cannot find a way to generate the sub folders inside the first folder. Also I would like to have the script to check wether these folders already exists and if it is the case simply go inside the first folder and create the non existing subfolders.
The folders A38,A39,C38 and C39 should be created inside the folder A37.

Here is my script.
tell application “Numbers”
tell table 1 of sheet 1 of document 1
set G45 to (value of cell “G45”) as text --Set Client inquiries folder name
set A37 to (value of cell “A37”) as text --Set file name
set A38 to (value of cell “A38”) as text --Set client pictures file name
set A39 to (value of cell “A39”) as text --Set Internet pictures file name
set C38 to (value of cell “C38”) as text --Set Office pictures file name
set C39 to (value of cell “C39”) as text --Set Factories pictures file name
end tell
end tell

–Create folders in Kiki Design
tell application “Finder”
set the_folder to make new folder at alias “Volumes:Design:Design Clients:” with properties {name:G45}
make folder in the_folder with properties {name:A37}
make folder in the_folder with properties {name:A38}
make folder in the_folder with properties {name:A39}
make folder in the_folder with properties {name:C38}
make folder in the_folder with properties {name:C39}
end tell

Hope someone can kindly help?

Here is the solution given by Stefan

set baseFolder to “/Volumes/Design/Design Clients/”
tell application “Numbers”
tell table 1 of sheet 1 of document 1
set {clientInquiriesFolder, fileName, clientPictures, internetPictures, officePictures, factoryPictures} to {value of cell “G45”, value of cell “A37”, value of cell “A38”, value of cell “A39”, value of cell “C38”, value of cell “C39”}
end tell
end tell
set folderStructure to quoted form of baseFolder & quoted form of clientInquiriesFolder & “/” & quoted form of fileName & “/{” & quoted form of clientPictures & “,” & quoted form of officePictures & “,” & quoted form of internetPictures & “,” & quoted form of factoryPictures & “}/”
do shell script "/bin/mkdir -p " & folderStructure

Thanks again,