Here is an example script showing the problem I have with mail and AppleScript
tell application "Mail"
set mboxName to "aaa/bbb/ccc"
make new mailbox with properties {name:mboxName}
set mb to mailbox named mboxName
repeat while (count of mailboxes of mb) < 1
set p to container of mb
delete mb
set mb to p
end repeat
end tell
This script first creates a mailbox Hierachs, i.e. A mailbox “aaa” containing a mailbox “bbb” containing “ccc”.
Now assume I want to delete the hierachy. So I thought, I remember “ccc”'s container, delete “ccc” and proceed as long as the current mailbox does not contain other mailboxes.
Unfortunately this fails with an error. Just “ccc” gets deleted. The others remain.
I’m surprised the first deletion worked. Delete normally refers to a message, not a mailbox. To delete aaa or bbb, I had to right-click on it and delete it in the contextual menu getting an “Are you sure” message. It might continue to work, however, if you put the delete statement in an “ignoring application responses” block - I didn’t try that; I don’t normally use Mail (I’m a long-time Eudora user).
I think you ave to create and then delete each mailbox individually allot like i do in this script only I’m just creating them
tell application "Mail"
-- givmail 2 seconds to load in all the new mail
delay 2
set theMessage to every message in inbox as list
repeat with amessage in theMessage
if amessage is not "" then
set SenderName to extract name from sender of amessage
set theDomain to extract address from sender of amessage
set tid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "@"
set theDomain to text item 2 of theDomain
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
set theDomain to text item 1 of theDomain
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tid
if not (exists mailbox theDomain) then
make new mailbox with properties {name:(theDomain)}
end if
if not (exists mailbox SenderName of mailbox theDomain) then
make new mailbox with properties {name:(theDomain & "/" & SenderName)}
end if
move amessage to mailbox SenderName of mailbox theDomain
end if
end repeat
end tell
Thanks for your reply, but I can’t. What I posted was just an example. In the real script the “aaa/bbb/” part is “imported/”, meaning: I want to delete my Folders which are left over from importing mailboxes.
I have answered this in your thread on the same subject at - here the solution I posted there:
tell application "Mail"
set mboxName to "aaa/bbb/ccc"
make new mailbox with properties {name:mboxName}
end tell
tell application "Mail"
set mb to mailbox named mboxName
repeat while (count of mailboxes of mb) < 1
set theContainer to container of mb
set theContainerPath to my containerPath(mb) & "/" & name of mb
delete mb
on error
do shell script "rmdir ~/Library/Mail/Mailboxes/" & theContainerPath
make new mailbox with properties {name:theContainerPath}
delete mb
end try
set mb to theContainer
end repeat
end try
end tell
on containerPath(mb)
tell application "Mail"
set retVal to ""
set retVal to (name of container of mb) & "/" & retVal
set mb to container of mb
on error
return text 1 thru -2 of retVal
on error
return ""
end try
end try
end repeat
end tell
end containerPath