How to find partial style sheet names in quark

[b]Hi All,

I am new to apple script i just trying to create script which will check the given style sheet is available or not in the seleted file.

Can anybody help me on this as soon as possible.

The below script i have wrote but it find only if the full style sheet name matchs but i want any of the word either first or last names.[/b]

tell application "Finder"
	choose file of type {"XPRJ"} with prompt "Choose the Quark File"
	set theFiles to result
	open file theFiles
	tell document 1 of application "QuarkXPress"
		set stylshts to {"2c entry subttl", "2c entry ttl"}
		repeat with ThisText in stylshts
			set ThisText to ThisText as string
			if (exists style spec ThisText) then
				display dialog ("You're using the stylesheet" & return & ThisText)
				display dialog ("All Style Sheets are New HTML Standard")
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell


Hope you get it!!!:stuck_out_tongue:

You’ll need to get all style sheet names, and check each one separately to find partial matches.

tell document 1 of application "QuarkXPress"
	--for example, to check to see if the first and last words "custom" and "2" 
	--exist in any style sheet in document 1
	set styleNamesToCheck to {"custom", "2"}
	--get all style sheet names
	set allStyleSheets to name of every style spec
	-->{"Normal","custom style sheet name 1","custom style sheet name 2" }
	--check for 'contains' or 'begins with' or 'ends with' as needed
	repeat with aName in allStyleSheets
		repeat with aWord in styleNamesToCheck
			if aName contains aWord then ¬
				display dialog "Style \"" & aName & "\" contains \"" & aWord & "\""
		end repeat
	end repeat
	repeat with aName in allStyleSheets
		repeat with aWord in styleNamesToCheck
			if aName begins with aWord then ¬
				display dialog "Style \"" & aName & "\" begins with \"" & aWord & "\""
		end repeat
	end repeat
	repeat with aName in allStyleSheets
		repeat with aWord in styleNamesToCheck
			if aName ends with aWord then ¬
				display dialog "Style \"" & aName & "\" ends with \"" & aWord & "\""
		end repeat
	end repeat
end tell

Hi all,

The following script will do the selected quark will be duplicate and add _1 at the end of the file and check the style sheets naming in the document after showed the pop-up the duplicate file will be trashed. But i got the Error message “Can’t get file “xxxx” of application Finder” if only when i choose the file from either Work folder or Server. But it works fine if i choose the file from the Desktop.

tell application "Finder"
	choose file of type {"XPRJ"} with prompt "Choose the Quark file you want to check"
	set f to result
	tell application "Finder"
		set {name:fName, name extension:fExtn, folder:fFldr} to f
		set baseName to fName's text 1 thru -((count fExtn) + 2) & "_"
		set n to 1
		set newName to baseName & n & "." & fExtn
		considering case
			tell (get name of fFldr's files) to repeat while newName is in it
				set n to n + 1
				set newName to baseName & n & "." & fExtn
			end repeat
		end considering
		set f's name to "*temp*"
		set (duplicate f)'s name to newName
		set f's name to fName
		set theFile to newName
		open file theFile
		tell document 1 of application "QuarkXPress"
			--for example, to check to see if the style sheet contains the words "Subttl" and "ttl"
			set styleNamesToCheck to {"ttl"}
			--get all style sheet names
			set allStyleSheets to name of every style spec
			-->{"Normal","custom style sheet name 1","custom style sheet name 2" }
			--check for 'contains'' as needed
			set x to 1
			repeat with aName in allStyleSheets
				repeat with aWord in styleNamesToCheck
					if aName contains aWord then
						display dialog "The \"" & aName & "\" style sheet contains  \"" & aWord & "\". It is a OLD HTML Standard. "
						set x to 0
					end if
				end repeat
			end repeat
			close saving no
			if x is equal to 1 then
				display dialog "All style sheets are with New HTML Standard." buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2 with icon 2
			end if
		end tell
		tell application "Finder"
			delete file theFile
		end tell
	end tell
end tell

Please can anybody knows to sort out this issue…?