how to modify date?


I have a need to rename an folder to tomorrow’s date and i have been using this script

tell application "Finder"
		set todayFolder to make new folder at folder "Daily News:Tribune Pages:Tribune Finished Pages:" with properties {name:do shell script "date +%A' '%m/%d"}
		make new folder at todayFolder with properties {name:"web"}
	end try
end tell

How do I change it to add one day?

Thanks for your help.



the problem is the (localized) weekday name.
If you don’t mind to have english weekday names, try this

tell (current date) to tell it - (its time) + days to set tomorrow to (((its weekday as text) & space & text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & (its month as integer) as text)) & "/" & text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & its day as text))

tell application "Finder"
		set todayFolder to make new folder at folder "Daily News:Tribune Pages:Tribune Finished Pages:" with properties {name:tomorrow}
		make new folder at todayFolder with properties {name:"web"}
	end try
end tell

Thanks StefanK

You are a big help and applescript has save me a lot of work

This works great! (of course)

thanks abunch
