How to place image name in a text box


Could anyone help me on the following issue.

I have a quark file with full of text and images (of any type). Here the images are math equations.

In the quark file, the text are placed in a full page text box. If there are any equations comes after a specific line, some 4 or 5 lines white line spaces are given in the quark file, then the equations are imported in a separate picture box. This equations are then placed within the white space infront of the text box.

What I want here is, the image and its box should be removed from this place and then name of that image should be placed in that place.

For example we have a quark page like:
1. EOQ model
2. EOQ cost analysis (16“1)


3.	EOQ model
4.	EOQ model
5.	EOQ model

Here, the equation “A+B” is an eps image with name as “Equation1.eps”. And all the other texts are in separate text box. I want to remove the image and its box from its place and the image name “Equation1.eps” should be placed there.

That is,
1. EOQ model
2. EOQ cost analysis (16“1)


3.	EOQ model
4.	EOQ model
5.	EOQ model

I have written a script to place image name below the image box. But I don’t want this. The image name should be placed within the existing text box.
