How to script import of photos to iCloud in iPhoto/Photos/Aperture

I wrote a script to be run as a service that would import selected photos from Finder into a chosen iCloud album (My PhotoStream, Shared). The script completes successfully but the imported photos show up in Events and not iCloud section of the app. Also, when selecting “Get Info” it has indication that the photos were indeed imported to a shared album – I see the sharing status bar-indicator reading that “was published n minutes ago”. There’re 2 issues: (1) I don’t see them on my iPhone with everything on and enabled of course (2) As soon as I go to “iCloud” section’s shared destination album on the Mac I see those photos briefly flashing before they disappear for good.

My question: is it possible to script import in these applications at all without having to plug Finder scripting and other overly complex workarounds?

tell application "Finder"
   set AliasRefs to selection as alias list
   tell application "System Events"
       set UTIs to {}
       repeat with i from 1 to number of items in AliasRefs
           set this_item to item i of AliasRefs
           if type identifier of this_item is in {"public.png", "public.jpeg"} then set end of UTIs to type identifier of this_item
       end repeat
       if UTIs is {} then
           display alert "No images were selected!" message "Select image files and run the service again." as informational buttons {"OK"} default button 1 giving up after 3
       end if
       set PosixRefs to {}
       repeat with i from 1 to number of items in AliasRefs
           set this_item to item i of AliasRefs
           set end of PosixRefs to POSIX path of this_item
       end repeat
   end tell
end tell

tell application "iPhoto"
   set SharedAlbumNames to get name of every album whose url is not ""
   set SharedAlbums to get every album whose url is not ""
   set Prompt2ChooseAlbum to choose from list SharedAlbumNames with prompt "Choose an iCloud album" with title "iCloud albums" default items {item 1 of SharedAlbumNames} without multiple selections allowed --this is a list
   if Prompt2ChooseAlbum is false then
       error number -128
       set TargetAlbumName to the first item of Prompt2ChooseAlbum --get name of the album to import to
           repeat with i from 1 to the number of items in SharedAlbums
               set theAlbum to item i of SharedAlbums
               if name of theAlbum is TargetAlbumName then
                   repeat with j from 1 to the number of items in PosixRefs
                       set ImagePath to item j of PosixRefs
                       import from ImagePath to theAlbum without force copy
                   end repeat
                   exit repeat
               end if
           end repeat
       on error
           display alert "Importing to the chosen iCloud album failed." as informational buttons {"OK"} default button 1 giving up after 3
       end try
   end if
end tell

Model: MacBook Pro
AppleScript: 2.3.2
Browser: Safari 9537.86.7
Operating System: macOS 10.9